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Questionnaire médical - Cours pilates périnatal. Pour vous inscrire à nos activités cliquez sur le bouton Inscription en ligne.
Les loisirs Maria Goretti
Pierre Bolduc
7475 Avenue Paul Contois
Quebec, QC, G1H 5X6
Maria på House of New Hope. 8211; En chance for unge mødre og børn. Baade fordi at hjemmet egentlig er et sted for enlige moedre, men ogsaa ligesaa meget for at hun ikk ehele tiden skal paamindes om hendes barn, som hun savner meget. Da Fern faktisk kun er 16, bliver hun overflyttet til et normal boernehjem.
Using the latest science and body wisdom I help mothers transform their guilt and disconnection to feeling vibrantly alive and gorgeously wise in motherhood, along with the skills to help their child embody their own unique potentiality. To be fully expressed in their heart and vibrantly alive in their body.